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An Open Letter to President Trump on Tax Reform

An Open Letter to President Trump on Tax Reform

The following article by David Haggith was pubished on The Great Recession Blog:

If the @realPresident wants #realTaxReform, he should forget about trying to redesign the albatross, and go for a change so big that it’s completely transformative. Pursue a change that the swamp will have an epileptic seizure over. It’s bold, and it’s simple if you have the guts to keep it simple. It’s great.

My letter to the president: 


"I'm Sorry, We'll Fix This": United CEO Issues Apology To Passenger And Everyone Else

Hopefully putting an end to the media circus that has gripped America's attention over the past 24 hours, the CEO of United Continental, Oscar Munoz, has finally apologized for the airline’s handling of a Chinese-American passenger who was forcibly dragged out of a flight in Chicago, an incident which caused media outrage and cost the airline over a billion dollars in market cap as traders dumped its shares on fears of a Chinese backlash.

Mediocre Demand For Today's Tailing 10Y Auction

Mediocre Demand For Today's Tailing 10Y Auction

One day after an otherwise strong 3Y auction saw the biggest tail in months, moments ago the Treasury sold $20 billion in benchmark, 10Y paper which like in yesterday's case, saw no shortage of collateral ahead of pricing, trading +0.50% in repo. And since there was no physical squeeze going into the auction, it was hardly a surprise that today's 10Y auction likewise tailed by 1bps, printing at 2.332%, wider than the 2.322% When Issued, and while it was well below last month's 2.56%, it was above the 6 month average of 2.26%.
