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Welcome To The US Auto Market (aka The 'Trade-In Treadmill')

Welcome To The US Auto Market (aka The 'Trade-In Treadmill')

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Most of you reading this are probably aware the U.S. auto market is a train wreck waiting to happen, but a recent report by Moody’s really puts the industry’s insane lending practices into perspective.

Reuters reports:

As U.S. auto sales have peaked, competition to finance car loans is set to intensify and drive increased credit risk for auto lenders, Moody’s Investors Service said in a report released on Monday.


RBC: "The Market Is Looking Increasingly Binary"

With the reflation trade seemingly dead, the logical outcome is that the "disinflation" trade will soon follow. However, as that would undo most of the recent gains, central banks will fight tooth and nail to prevent that from happening, but can they? As RBC's Charlie McElligott writes in his morning note, "some large players in the market believe that the Fed had indeed been incorporating anticipation of ‘fiscal policy", Trump policy which may now not be coming until late 2017 or early 2018 (if at all).

$20 Trillion Debt – It's Time To Start Believing In The Impossible

$20 Trillion Debt – It's Time To Start Believing In The Impossible

Authored by Simon Black via,

I’ll start today with a confession: I’m an unabashed optimist.

I believe that this is one of the most exciting times in all of human history to be alive. And with good reason.

Think about it– compared to thousands of years of violent warfare that ravaged most of the world’s major cities, we live in an era of relative peace.

Pockets of conflict will always exist. But right now there’s no major world war… no persistent threat of nuclear annihilation.
