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Only 1 In 6 Americans Hold 'Favorable' View Of FBI Director Comey

Only 1 In 6 Americans Hold 'Favorable' View Of FBI Director Comey

The Director of The FBI has managed to do what many have failed to do - bring a desperately divided nation together. James Comey is unpopular across the political spectrum, according to a new poll that finds voters have a negative opinion of Comey by a more than two-to-one margin.

U.S. Prepping Case Linking North Korea To $81MM New York Fed Bank Heist

U.S. Prepping Case Linking North Korea To $81MM New York Fed Bank Heist

As tensions between the U.S and North Korea continue to escalate, with the most recent provocation coming from Kim Jong Un last night, the Wall Street Journal has just reported that Federal prosecutors are building potential cases that would accuse North Korea of directing the theft of $81 million from Bangladesh’s account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York last year.

The charges, if filed, would target alleged Chinese middlemen who prosecutors believed help North Korea orchestrate the theft, the people said.


Banks, Bonds, & Bullion Bid As Healthcare Hope Trumps Terror Attack Turmoil

Banks, Bonds, & Bullion Bid As Healthcare Hope Trumps Terror Attack Turmoil

Gartman did it again - as we warned pre-open -   Which means one thing: both Goldman and Gartman are now short stocks, and expecting further selling - perhaps just the catalyst bulls were waiting for to step in and BTFD...   



The machines were working over time to keep stocks up today to prove confidence in Trump and the economic hope remains...


But by the close they failed to hold The Dow green...Nasdaq surged (AAPL helped)


An OPEC Deal Extension Isn't As Simple As It Sounds

Authored by Tsvetana Paraskova via,

It’s been six months now that oil prices have been reacting to OPEC, first to the possibility of an agreement, and then to the production cut deal itself, forged by OPEC to rebalance the market. The deal--initially aired as ‘an agreement to agree on a deal’ in September and signed at the end of November—will likely impact the market for at least the next six months.
