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Why Is Goldman On A Buying Spree For Delinquent Mortgages

Why Is Goldman On A Buying Spree For Delinquent Mortgages

Last year Goldman Sachs entered into a settlement with federal and state governments over its role in packaging and selling toxic mortgage-backed securities in the housing meltdown to unsuspecting buyers while subsequently turning around and shorting those very same securities.  As part of the settlement, Goldman agreed to provide $1.8 billion in homeowner debt relief to delinquent U.S. borrowers.

A Bad Week (And Getting Badder Bigly Fast)

Authored by Howard Kunstler via,

Well, of course they bugged Trump Tower. Why wouldn’t they? Trump’s big blunder du jour is that he tweeted “wiretapped,” like some hapless sap out of a 1950s I Was a Spy for the FBI movie. (I know people who still say “ice box,” too.) So he left himself - or rather poor Sean Spicer - open for a week of legalistic pettifogging by reporters acting as litigators for the Deep State’s intel corps.

Famous Twitter "Trader" Arrested For Stealing $1.5 Million, Running A Ponzi

Famous Twitter "Trader" Arrested For Stealing $1.5 Million, Running A Ponzi

With nearly 64 thousand followers, the name Randall Rye will likely be familiar to those who follow finance Twitter:

Having built up the substantial following since joining August 2011, the famous Randalph "Randy" Rye unexpectedly stopped tweeting just after the new year, with his last tweet hitting on January 5.

Why the sudden silence?
