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Are Collapsing Pensions "About To Bring Hell To America"?

Are Collapsing Pensions "About To Bring Hell To America"?

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

The toxic dollar is bringing hell in a handbasket.

Along with the student loan debt bubble and other major financial factors, the looming pensions crisis is bound to be the death of us all.

Because it’s based on a future promise to pay, it has long been a benefit dangled to solve strikes and union disputes – because, in the end, it is just more debt, whether private or public.

McDonalds Tweets Trump: "You Are A Disgusting Excuse Of A President, Also You Have Tiny Hands"

McDonalds Tweets Trump: "You Are A Disgusting Excuse Of A President, Also You Have Tiny Hands"

One day after Twitter stock tumbled after a pervasive hack showed just how vulnerable the underperforming social network (where 15% of total users appear to be bots) remains, moments ago McDonalds tweeted to president Trump, in what appears to be the latest hack of a prominent account, that "You are actually a disgusting excuse of a President and we would love to have @BarackObama back, also you have tiny hands."

The confrontational tweet was even pinned for a moment:
