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"This Is Not The Reaction The Fed Wanted": Goldman Warns Yellen Has Lost Control Of The Market

"This Is Not The Reaction The Fed Wanted": Goldman Warns Yellen Has Lost Control Of The Market

With stocks soaring briskly around the globe following Yellen's "dovish" hike, and futures set for a sharply higher open with the Nasdaq approaching 6,000, something surprising caught our attention: in a note by Goldman's Jan Hatzius, the chief economist warns that the market is overinterpreting the Fed's statement, and Yellen's presser, and cautions that it was not meant to be the "dovish surprise" the market took it to be.

'Soft' Data Snaps - Philly Fed Drops Most In 11 Months As Stagflation Surges

'Soft' Data Snaps - Philly Fed Drops Most In 11 Months As Stagflation Surges

With only 'soft' survey data supporting any hope of proclaiming economic success post-Trump (as 'hard' data has tumbled), the cracks in that sentiment are starting to show. Philly Fed's business outlook tumbled from 33 year highs in March (falling the most since March 2016). Prices Paid surged in March as New Orders stagnated and general business activity tumbled.

Stil positive but the endless post-trump rise is stalling...


Is the animal spirits gap about to be closed yet again... and not the good way?

Global Stocks Soar To Record Highs On "Dovish" Fed, Dutch Vote

Global Stocks Soar To Record Highs On "Dovish" Fed, Dutch Vote

World stock indexes soared to record highs on Thursday while the dollar traded close to a one-month low after the Federal Reserve hiked U.S. interest rates but signaled no pick-up in the pace of tightening. European and Asian were broadly higher this morning, with S&P tagging along, driven by two main events: the latest "dovish" Fed rate hike, and the Dutch election results, in which Geert Wilders performed worse than some expected, reducing concerns of Eurozone political risk, and broadly seen as a sign of support for Europe's establishment.

Puerto Rico Bonds Are Plunging Again

Puerto Rico Bonds Are Plunging Again

Puerto Rico bonds are in the midst of the biggest three-day rout since April 2016, when island officials advanced a moratorium bill that paved the way for the first default on its general-obligation debt, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

As The FT reports, Puerto Rico plans to begin restructuring talks with its multitude of creditors “immediately” after its turnround plan was on Monday approved by the commonwealth’s federal oversight board, according to the island’s governor.
