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A Look Back At 1999!

A Look Back At 1999!


On Friday, I penned:

“The question that must be answered is just how much of the benefit from these fiscal proposals have already been priced in perfection? What happens if tax reform is less than anticipated? Or infrastructure spending is cut from $1 Trillion to $500 billion? Or repatriation only brings back a fraction of the dollars anticipated?


6 Steps Toward A More Sane Economic Policy

Via Patrick Barron of The Mises Institute,

As the Trump administration takes shape, it may be helpful to remind ourselves of some of the steps that can be taken in the direction of economic policy that better allows private citizens to be free and flourish. Given his expressed views, there's no reason to believe he plans to radically re-orient the federal government in the direction of freedom and free markets. However, any one of these steps below — even partially implemented — would be a step in the right direction. 

China Cuts Economic Growth Forecast In Annual Report: Here Are The Key Changes

China Cuts Economic Growth Forecast In Annual Report: Here Are The Key Changes

As part of the previously previewed "Two Sessions" which started on Sunday, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Sunday delivered the annual report on the work of the government in Beijing, summarizing the country’s achievements in the past year, and setting goals for this year. In his policy speech, lasting 97 minutes and 18,600 Chinese characters, Li signaled a course adjustment for the world's second-largest economy and some important changes in tone.

A 90-second summary of the key highlights from Li's Two Sessions address is shown in the clip below:

TSA Can Legally Play With Your Genitals In New Pat-Down Procedures

TSA Can Legally Play With Your Genitals In New Pat-Down Procedures

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents are now authorized to effectively play with passengers genitals as part of new pat-down procedures.  US airport security procedures are being overhauled to allow TSA agents to pat-down everybody passing through security – and the new pat-down instructions issued to agents include more intimate “comprehensive” techniques.
