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Now That Xmas Is Over - Mapping The US States With The Most People In Debt

Now That Xmas Is Over - Mapping The US States With The Most People In Debt

With Americans left with only one option - indentured servitude - to maintain any semblance of normal quality of life - especially at Christmas - we thought it worthwhile considering which US States have the most people in debt.

Using data from anonymous consumer-level records from a major credit bureau, the Urban Institute was able to release figures on debt levels across America.

China To Overtake US As World's Largest Economy By 2032

China To Overtake US As World's Largest Economy By 2032

Even as China’s credit-fueled boom – which helped it surpass Japan in 2011 to become the world’s second-largest economy – is losing its efficacy as new credit creation is now failing to drive economic growth as we pointed out last week (and many times before that), many economists believe it will eventually surpass its western rivals and become the world’s largest economy.

"Are Central Bankers About To Lose Control?" The WSJ Asks And Citi Answers

"Are Central Bankers About To Lose Control?" The WSJ Asks And Citi Answers

In an article published by the WSJ today, which was originally titled "Are Central Bankers About to Lose Control?" but after some shoulder taps was renamed to the far more neutral "Can Central Banks Keep Control of Interest Rates?" author Jon Sindreu looks at the current Goldilocks state of the market, in which global growth is "coordinated and widespread" yet inflation remains absent preventing central banks from hiking rates rapidly, resulting in "elated investors" who nonetheless are haunted by a question "will interest rates develop a mind of th

A Natural Experiment For Philadelphia's Soda Tax

Via Political Calculations blog,

The city of Philadelphia's controversial soda tax is providing a lot of material for serious scientists to evaluate the effects of arbitrarily imposing a tax on the distribution of a range of naturally and artificially-sweetened beverages. Since we're near the end of the tax's first year of being in effect, we thought we'd focus upon one of the more interesting findings to date.

Consumers are primarily the ones paying the tax
