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3-(Mis)Statements About Tax Reform

3-(Mis)Statements About Tax Reform

Authored by Lance Roberts via,

With the passage of the Tax Cut And Jobs Act on Wednesday, I wanted to address a few of the questions and misinformation currently circulating about the impact of tax cuts on the U.S. economy.

Over the last couple of months, I have been repeatedly asked why I am not “enthusiastic” about the “greatest tax reform” since the Reagan era.

David Stockman Warns "Gold Is The Only Safe Asset Left"

David Stockman Warns "Gold Is The Only Safe Asset Left"

Via Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog blog,

Record high stock and bond prices are flashing danger signs to former Reagan White House Budget Director David Stockman.

Stockman contends,

I don’t think we are going to have a liquidity crisis.  I think it’s going to be a value reset.  I think there is going to be a jarring downward price adjustment both in the stock market and in the bond market.


Another Liberal Governor Demands His State's Pension Abandon Fiduciary Duties, Sell Fossil-Fuel Investments

Another Liberal Governor Demands His State's Pension Abandon Fiduciary Duties, Sell Fossil-Fuel Investments

As if public pension managers around the country weren't having enough difficulty digging themselves out of their massive $3-$5 trillion funding gap, the chorus of liberal governors suggesting they should recklessly abandon their fiduciary obligations to future retirees and choose investments not on their financial merits but rather based on the political preferences of clueless politicians is growing stronger by the day.  As Pensions & Investments points out today, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is the latest such politician to jump on the bandwagon after suggesting that the New York S
