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Chinese Banks Push Back On Shadow Banking Regulations - Expose "Catch-22" For Financial System

Chinese Banks Push Back On Shadow Banking Regulations - Expose "Catch-22" For Financial System

In November, we discussed how the post-Party Congress measures to deleverage and crackdown on the worst abuses in China’s credit bubble took an important step forward with the announcement of a new era of regulation for China’s $15 trillion shadow banking and asset management industry. See "A New Era In Chinese Regulation Means Turmoil For $15 Trillion In China's Shadows". In particular, the authorities turned their sights on wealth management products (WMPs).

"Millennials Don't Care About Logos": How Collapsing Brand Loyalty Will Allow Amazon To Dominate Apparel

"Millennials Don't Care About Logos": How Collapsing Brand Loyalty Will Allow Amazon To Dominate Apparel

Despite daily affirmations from the White House that "everything is awesome" with the economy, 2017 has been a miserable year for retailers.  As Reorg First Day points out, over 30 retailers, with debt aggregating into the billions of dollars, have filed for bankruptcy so far this year...

The Fed's "Magic Trick" Exposed

The Fed's "Magic Trick" Exposed

Authored by Jeff Thomas via,

In 1791, the first Secretary of the Treasury of the US, Alexander Hamilton, convinced then-new president George Washington to create a central bank for the country.

Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson opposed the idea, as he felt that it would lead to speculation, financial manipulation, and corruption. He was correct, and in 1811, its charter was not renewed by Congress.
