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Doug Noland: There Will Be No Way Out When This Market Bubble Bursts

Authored by Adam Taggart via,

This week Doug Noland joins the podcast to discuss what he refers to as the "granddaddy of all bubbles".

Noland, a 30-year market analyst and specialist in credit cycles, currently works at McAlvany Wealth Management and is well known for his prior 16-year stint helping manage the Prudent Bear Fund.

Bond Bears Beware As Ag Prices Hit Record Low

Bond Bears Beware As Ag Prices Hit Record Low

Long-end bond yields are lower and the front-end higher once again this morning as the US Treasury yield curve continues to confound by flattening. Bloomberg macro strategist Mark Cudmore suspects there is more to come... for one simple reason, so often overlooked...

Via Bloomberg,

Cheaper eats are great, but maybe not if you’re one of the many expecting a sustainable bump in bond yields next year.

Top Crypto-Mining Executive Explains Why "We're Hoarding The Coins"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

If the price action in crypto currencies over the last several months has proven anything, it’s that the blockchain has gone fully mainstream with global investors, major financial institutions and governments showing significant interest in the space. While a number of blockchain projects are moving onto the stage, the primary focus for investors has been Bitcoin, which has seen an increase of over 1,600% in 2017. And according to Frank Holmes, there is much more to come.

Amazon's 75,000 New Robots Are Your Answer To No Wage Inflation

Authored by John Mauldin via,

Like millions of other people, I am a fan and a user of Amazon.

They do make buying things convenient, especially little things that you might have to go to art specialty stores to find. I’m a huge user of the Kindle app, too.

I will admit that I don’t quite understand the Amazon business model of growth over profits. But I have noticed that most of the profits Amazon actually makes are coming from their non-commercial side—stuff like cloud services.
