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BofA: "In Every Market Shock Since 2013 Central Banks Have Stepped In To Protect Markets"

BofA: "In Every Market Shock Since 2013 Central Banks Have Stepped In To Protect Markets"

There is a reason why those calling for a crash, or even a market correction in the past decade, have been carted out feet first: central banks, and noweher was this more obvious than the shocking aftermath of Brexit. The UK’s Brexit vote (Jun-16) marked the point when the buy-the-dip trade became a self-fulfilling put, according to a new analysis by Bank of America.

Bob Doll: The Market Cannot Go Down; Earnings are Too Good

Content originally published at


This was one of those cringeworthy moments in financial television history that I knew when I saw it, I could document it for future use in order to humiliate Bob Doll. While no one here is arguing with the merits of US earnings, I think we could all agree that it is patently absurd to suggest stocks cannot trade down, because earnings are so damned good.

Higher Wage Hope Hammered As American Worker Compensation Slumps

Higher Wage Hope Hammered As American Worker Compensation Slumps

US labor productivity rose 3.0% QoQ in Q3, the biggest rise since Q3 2014. 

Great news, right?

Not so much, as the rise in productivity comes at the expense of the wages of the American worker who saw unit labor costs (wages) decline 0.2% (against expectations of a 0.2% gain) - down for 2 straight quarters for the first time since 2014.

Real compensation declined 1.1% YoY - falling for the fourth straight quarter...

Zandi Warns "Job Market Feels Like It Might Overheat" As Manufacturing Jobs Grow At Fastest Pace On Record

Zandi Warns "Job Market Feels Like It Might Overheat" As Manufacturing Jobs Grow At Fastest Pace On Record

Following October's better-than-expected surge in ADP employment data (as goods-producing jobs soared), November was expected to see some slowdown, and it did, printing right on expectations at +190k (close to NFP's 195k exp).

“The labor market continues to grow at a solid pace,” said Ahu Yildirmaz, vice president and co-head of the ADP Research Institute.

