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An Italian Regulator's Risk-Sharing Plan To "Cure The Eurozone"

An Italian Regulator's Risk-Sharing Plan To "Cure The Eurozone"

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

Marcello Minenna, a division head at the Italian securities regulator, emailed his plan to "Cure the Eurozone". 

Marcello Minenna, the head of Quantitative Analysis and Financial Innovation at Consob, the Italian securities regulator, pinged me recently with his plan to save the Eurozone.

The plan requires debt guarantees with a catch: The catch is the guarantees have a price: The riskiest countries have to pony up the most for debt insurance.

China Commodity Carnage Continued Overnight As Brexit Fears & Bitcoin Cheers Dominate

China Commodity Carnage Continued Overnight As Brexit Fears & Bitcoin Cheers Dominate

Once again weakness in the US carried through to Asia with stocks unable to hold any National-Team-inspired gains, but it was the contagion to commodities that was most notable (as a hike in exchange fees snuffed out a lot of speculative fervor)

  • European equities have followed suit from their Asia-Pac counterparts to trade higher across the board
  • Markets await Brexit headlines amid Barnier deadline
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US weekly jobs and potential comments from ECB’s Draghi.

