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For Emerging Markets, It Is Now Worse Than The Asian Financial Crisis

For Emerging Markets, It Is Now Worse Than The Asian Financial Crisis

"It’s Black Wednesday for emerging markets," one strategist warned and Thursday is not looking any better, as SocGen's Berg warns "The rout in emerging markets could continue for some time, especially as the major global central banks have exhausted their ammunition in recent years, making it unlikely that they will rescue global markets this time around." In fact, as Bloomberg reports, this year's EM turmoil is already worse than in the same period in 1998's Asian financial crisis (and EM FX is even worse).

Tom DeMark: "Today Is An Interim Low" Followed By A 5-8% Rebound, Then Another Selloff; China To Fall Further

There are not many technicians that Steve Cohen has on speed dial, but Tom DeMark, whose indicators grace the default graphs of many Bloomberg terminals around the globe, is one of them. One reason may be DeMark's recent track record, having called a "Sell" on November 3 which was close to the all time high in the S&P, shortly after which US indices tumbled leading to the worst start of the year in history hitting DeMark's targets well ahead of time.

PBOC Injects Massive $60 Billion Liquidity - Most In 3 Years

PBOC Injects Massive $60 Billion Liquidity - Most In 3 Years

Offshore Yuan is sliding lower after its "US equity market saving" surge during the day session as PBOC fixes Yuan stable for the 10th day in a row. Despite the smoke and mirrors of stability however, they injected a colossal 400 billion Yuan into the financial system - the most in 3 years.

Offshore Yuan is sliding...


PBOC holds Yuan Fix stable for the 10th day with a very small weakening:



