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Wall Street Says Recession Worse Than 2008 Coming

Wall Street experts have said that a big recession, far worse than the 2008 financial crisis, is due to hit this year.  With the S&P 500 beginning 2016 with its worst performance ever, experts say 2016 holds chaos in currency, bond and equity markets on a global scale. reports: This has prompted Wall Street apologists to come out in full force and try to explain why the chaos in global currencies and equities will not be a repeat of 2008. Nor do they want investors to believe this environment is commensurate with the dot-com bubble bursting.

GM/Ford Credit Risk Surges To 2 Year Highs As Fitch Raises Auto Sector Concerns

GM/Ford Credit Risk Surges To 2 Year Highs As Fitch Raises Auto Sector Concerns

With the feds probing Deutsche Bank's exaggerating Auto ABS demand, car dealerships suing automakers for being forced to channel-stuff, direct evidence of massive channel-stuffing with near-record inventories-to-sales, and sales now beginning to tumble after last month's weak credit growth, it is perhaps no wonder that Fitch has raised the warning flag about automotive vehicle and parts makers...

As we demonstrated last week, the cracks are already starting to show.

Sales slowing dramatically...


Atlanta Fed Explains Why It Waited Until The Market Close To Reveal The Lowest Q4 GDP Estimate Yet

As we noted earlier, the Atlanta Fed waited until the market close to reveal its most dire GDP estimate yet: a paltry 0.6%, matching the 0.6% recorded during the "harsh winter" first quarter: one could be forgiven to think that during today's already chaotic selloff, the last thing traders and algos needed was news that US economic growth had ground to a virtual halt.
