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10 Year Could Drop Below 2% Within Days, Citi Predicts

10 Year Could Drop Below 2% Within Days, Citi Predicts

While equities continues to plunge in what increasingly appears to be a straight line (sorry JPM) with the occasional mini short covering rally, and are fast approaching the August 24 ETFlash crash lows, the Treasury complex has been relatively quiet. While the lack of recent buying interest may be explained with concerns over ongoing reserve liquidations by the likes of China and Saudi Arabia, if Citigroup is right, that may be about to change.

Yuantervention Extreme - Offshore Yuan Explodes 850 Pips Higher, Biggest Jump Ever

Yuantervention Extreme - Offshore Yuan Explodes 850 Pips Higher, Biggest Jump Ever

While some central banks prefer to stealthily 'manage' their markets, a bid here, a stick-save there, today's epic intervention, short-squeeze, carry-trade-carnage in Offshore Yuan is the most visible hand yet in the new normal world of central planning. USDCNH is now down over 850 pips on the day - a record 1.25% strengthening in the offshore Yuan...

CNH is now 15 handles stronger from the "halt" spike lows last week...


This is the biggest single-day drop in USDCNH (strengthening in Offshore Yuan) since records began...
