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If These Charts Don't Concern You, You're Not Paying Attention

If These Charts Don't Concern You, You're Not Paying Attention

Some very worrisome charts for investors to consider.


Stocks just took out their neckline.



Unprofitable Wall Street darling, Tesla (TSLA), which requires mountains of new debt at low interest rates to survive, has taken out its trendline.



Europe’s “canary in the coalmine” just kicked it. Spanish bank Santander (SAN) is sitting atop a mountain of garbage debt from a housing bubble that DWARFED the US's. The country might even break into multiple fragments!



Oil Tumbles To 11 Year Lows After Another Bank Joins "$20 Crude" Bandwagon

Oil Tumbles To 11 Year Lows After Another Bank Joins "$20 Crude" Bandwagon

Another algo-induced stop-run has tried and failed to maintain its gains this morning as Morgan Stanley becomes the latest (after Goldman) to join the "oil in the $20s is possible" bandwagon. Despite hopeful bullishness from Andy Hall who sees production destruction leading (an industry that couldn’t function at $50 certainly can't function with prices below $40) inevityably leading to higher prices, Morgan Stanley warns, "in an oversupplied market, there is no intrinsic value for crude oil.
