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The Looming Recession & The Muted Delight Of Janet Yellen's Epic Failure

Submitted by MN Gordon via,

One week down.  Fifty-one more to go.  No doubt, this has been a wild start to the New Year.  We expect many more to follow.

For example, on Monday, Chinese investors overloaded the Shanghai Stock Exchange.  An abundance of traders hit the sell button in unison and nearly shorted out the sell side circuit.  By early afternoon the breakers had tripped to prevent a full market meltdown.  Here are the particulars, as reported by Bloomberg…

What The Charts Say: "US Stocks Are In Riskiest Position In Seven Years"

What The Charts Say: "US Stocks Are In Riskiest Position In Seven Years"

Via John Murphy,

MAJOR STOCK INDEXES ENTER CORRECTION TERRITORY... After suffering the worst start to a new year in history, the U.S. stock market has entered correction territory which is defined by a drop of 10% from its old high. The charts pretty much speak for themselves. All three major stock indexes fell to three month lows in heavy trading. The next downside target is the two lows formed in August and late September.
