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Monsanto Knew Their Herbicide Caused Cancer 40 Years Ago

Monsanto knowingly released herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) to the public, knowing it was cancer-causing, some 40-years-ago an independent inquiry has discovered.  A series of secretive studies reveals that Monsanto hand-picked selective data from a dozen different experiments in order to falsely claim that Roundup was safe to use on crops consumed by humans.

Why The U.S. Can't Be Called A "Swing Producer"

Submitted by Arthur Berman via,

Daniel Yergin and other experts say that U.S. tight oil is the swing oil producer of the world.

They are wrong. It is preposterous to say that the world’s largest oil importer is also its swing producer.

There are two types of oil producers in the world: those who have the will and the means to affect market prices, and those who react to them. In other words, the swing producer and everyone else.

A swing producer must meet the following criteria:
