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US Auto Sales Plunge To 6-Month Lows - Biggest Miss Since Nov 2008

Despite the blustering propaganda from CNBC's Phil LeBeau, it appears the Auto-sales (and massive inventory build) party is over in America. December US domestic auto sales SAAR printed 13.46 mm - the lowest in 6 months (missing expectations of 14.15mm by the most since November 2008). With non-revolving credit growth slowing in December, and inventories at record highs, the wheels just fell off the credit-fueled auto 'recovery'.

Car sales just tumbled:


This is the worst second-half of a year since 2008...


WTI Plunges To $35 Handle As Loonie Hits 12 Year Low

WTI Crude prices just broke back to a $35 handle for the first time since mid-December as the combination of un-growth, Saudi price cuts, a rancorous OPEC, and production increases weigh on the world's most important commodity. At the same time, oil producers are getting hit with the Canadian Dollar plunging above 1.4000 to its lowest since 2003...



And FX producers are getting battered...

"We Frontloaded A Tremendous Market Rally" Former Fed President Admits, Warns "No Ammo Left"

In perhaps the most shocking of mea culpas seen in modern financial history, former Dallas Fed head Richard Fisher unleashed some seriously uncomfortable truthiness during a 5-minute confessional interview on CNBC. While talking heads attempt to blame China for recent US market volatility, Fisher explains "It is not China," it is The Fed that is at fault: "What The Fed did, and I was part of it, was front-loaded an enormous rally market rally in order to create a wealth effect...
