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If You Want To Limit The Power Of The Super-Wealthy, Stop Using Their Money

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

The only way to reverse rising inequality and break the power of the super-wealthy Financial Aristocracy is to stop using their central-bank issued currencies.

Many well-meaning people want to limit the wealth and power of the super-wealthy, i.e. the Financial Aristocracy/Oligarchy. (For more on the modern class structure, please see America's Nine Classes: The New Class Hierarchy.)

Young Americans' Confidence In Economy Surges As Hopes Of "55 And Older" Shatter

Consumer Confidence among Over-55 Americans is at its lowest since September 2014. On the other hand, confidence among the Under-35 generation is its highest in 9 years (as the lowest income earners saw the largest surge in confidence in history - from 44.2. to 73.4). The 'optimism' gap between young and old Americans has never, ever been greater...


Which is ironic since it is the 55-and-older generation who have record jobs (while those 25-54 have collapsed since the great recession...


