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Frontrunning: December 29

  • The World's Richest People Got Poorer This Year (BBG)
  • Oil hovers near 11-year lows on abundant supply, slowing demand (Reuters)
  • Oil-Producing States Battered as Tax-Gushing Wells Are Shut Down (BBG)
  • A Bold Few Traders Earn Billions Flouting Rivals (WSJ)
  • Islamic State ruling aims to settle who can have sex with female slaves (Reuters)
  • Winter Storm Snarls Republican Presidential Traffic (BBG)
  • Donald Trump Urges Supporters to the Polls (BBG)
  • China continues suspension of retail fuel price adjustment (Xinhua)

Something Just Snapped In Saudi Arabia

Following yesterday's budget (deficit) and the 'sacrifice-the-people's-comfort-for-the-death-of-US-Shale' plan that we detailed here, it appears market concerns about Saudi Arabia's forward-looking health are rising. As Bloomberg reports, USDSAR 12-month forwards jumped 250pts (the most since December 2007) to 725bps (the highest level since March 1999) implying expectations of a looming de-pegged, devaluation.

2015 - The Year Of FX Reserve Rundowns (Or Playing The "Fool's Game")

2015 was the year of considerable FX drawdown as desperate EM central banks attempted to rescue themselves from reality.


As Barry Eichengreen noted,

"Intervening to support an exchange rate that’s fundamentally overvalued is a fool’s game and a no-win situation, akin to a sovereign attempting to sustain an unsustainable debt burden rather than yielding to inevitable restructuring."
