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Europe Enters New Year With Nearly $2 Trillion In Sub-Zero Interest Debt

Europe Enters New Year With Nearly $2 Trillion In Sub-Zero Interest Debt

Earlier this month, Mario Draghi disappointed markets by failing to deliver an outsized depo rate cut and an expansion of monthly PSPP purchases. 

It’s not that the ECB didn’t ease. They did. It’s just that they didn’t ease enough, because when every DM central banker has gone Keynesian crazy (or, “full Krugman” as it were), a 10 bps cut doesn’t “cut” it (so to speak), and a six month extension of QE had been priced in at least since September. 

These Are The Top 20 Companies By Market Cap Over The Past Decade

There are many observations to be made about the dramatic shifts shown in the chart below which demonstrates the top 20 companies by market cap over the past decade, but what, to us, stands out the most are two things:

  1. after a decade of being either the world's biggest or second largest market capitalized company, Exxon has tumbled to 5th spot, something it did not do even during the peak of the financial crisis; and
  2. after five years of being in the top spot, it is time for someone to finally dethrone the world's most popular smartphone maker.

"America's Equity Markets Are Broken" Yale CIO Admits "Rigged Markets" Hurt Individuals

Authored by David Swensen (Yale CIO) and Jonathan Macey, Op-Ed via,

America's equity markets are broken. Individuals and institutions make transactions in rigged markets favoring short-term players. The root cause of the problem is that stocks trade on numerous venues, including 11 traditional exchanges and dozens of so-called dark pools that allow buyers and sellers to work out of the public eye. This market fragmentation allows high-frequency traders and exchanges to profit at the expense of long-term investors.
