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Switzerland To Vote On Ending Fractional Reserve Banking

One year ago (and just two months before the shocking announcement the Swiss Franc's peg to the Euro would end, dramatically revaluing the currency, and leading to massive FX losses around the globe and for the Swiss National Bank) the Swiss held a referendum whether to demand that their central bank should convert 20% of its reserves into gold, up from 7% currently. After the early polls showed the Yes vote taking a surprising lead, the Diebold machines kicked in and the result was a sweeping victory for the No vote, without a single canton voting for sound money.


During the Next Crisis, Central Banking Itself Will Fail

For six years, the world has operated under a complete delusion that Central Banks somehow fixed the 2008 Crisis.


All of the arguments claiming this defied common sense. A 5th grader would tell you that you cannot solve a debt problem by issuing more debt. If the below chart was a problem BEFORE 2008… there is no way that things are better now. After all, we’ve just added another $10 trillion in debt to the US system.


Has The Great Carry Unwind Arrived: Yen Surges After Warning USDJPY 100 Coming

For all the talk that the BOJ would unleash more stimulus, buy REITs, more ETFs (both existent or non-existent), or outright stocks, today the USDJPY did something it has not done in 7 weeks: the world's preferred carry trade currency just slumped to the lowest level since early November. If it wasn't for  the recent bounce in crude, and if the traditional USDJPY-ES correlation pair had not broken down as a result, the S&P would be well below 2000 at this moment.

The Fed Has Created A "Monster" And Just Made A "Dangerous Mistake," Stephen Roach Warns

Stephen Roach is worried that the Fed has set the world up for another financial market meltdown. 

Lower for longer rates and the proliferation of unconventional monetary policy have created “a breeding ground for asset bubbles, credit bubbles, and all-too frequent crises, so the Fed is really a part of the problem of financial instability rather than trying to provide a sense of calm in an otherwise unstable world,” Roach told Bloomberg TV in an interview conducted a little over a week ago. 
