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The Fed's Grinchmas Message To Markets: This Is As Good As It Gets, Mizuho Warns

The first Fed rate hike in seven years was supposed to trigger a powerful equity rally as the bulls expected money to pour out of bonds into stocks; especially into the cyclicals.

The logic behind this market call was simple and seductive. History shows that the economy and earnings keep on accelerating as the Fed initially shifts away from monetary policy accommodation and history was expected to repeat itself. 

China's Cost To Avoid The Dreaded Working Class Revolution: A Record CNY11.1 Trillion, And Rising

Ever since 2010 we have explained that one of the biggest risks facing the world is China's gargantuan mountain of debt, seen in its consolidated state in the following McKinsey chart...

... a mountain which has doubled from its 2007 levels of 158% of GDP and which as of Q4 2015 is well over 300%, as China races to catch up with world-record holder Japan and its 400%+ total debt/GDP.
