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Hilsenrath Just Reset Market Expectations: "Fed Is Worried Rates Will End Up Right Back At Zero"

Two weeks ago, we predicted that if the same September storm clouds return, and if December, which is increasingly looking as shaky as August as a result of a return of China deval fears, soaring dollar concerns and - the cherry on top - the collapse in junk bonds, forcing the Fed to have some literally last minute concerns about a rate hike, then the Fed's official mouthpiece, Jon Hilsenrath will be very busy...

The Coincidences Are Just Too Eerie: This Is The Last Time CCC Yields Were Here And Rising

Yesterday, we highlighted the all too eerie coincidence that the very first hedge fund (not mutual fund) to gate investors late on Friday, was operated by none other than the two former heads of distressed/high yield trading of the bank that started it all, Bear Stearns.

Today, things get even eerier, because while we already have the Bear Stearns link, an even more curious coincidence emerged when according to the BofA-Merrill index of "CCC and below" bond yields, the index just hit 17.24%, soaring nearly 2% in just the past two weeks, and rising fast.
