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UK's Top Fund Manager: "So Many Lights Flashing Red, I'm Losing Count"

UK's Top Fund Manager: "So Many Lights Flashing Red, I'm Losing Count"

Neil Woodford is the founder of Woodford Investment Management, with $20 billion under management, and was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for services to the economy in the Queen’s 2013 Birthday Honours List. However, he’s not very happy in his latest outlook for equity markets, nor is he happy with the recent performance of his funds, although he’s been in this situation before - ahead of the tech crash in 2000 and the sub-prime crisis in 2008. According to the Financial Times.

Dutch People Are Different - ABN Amro Employees Want To End Bonus Scheme

Dutch People Are Different - ABN Amro Employees Want To End Bonus Scheme

We always shudder slightly when we discuss ABN Amro, since nothing ever seems straightforward in the ongoing saga of the Dutch bank. However, this time at least nobody has died. In 2015, we noted that Chris Van Eeghen, head of the bank’s corporate finance and capital markets “startled” friends and colleagues after the “always cheerful” banker reportedly committed suicide. Van Eeghen was the fourth ABN banker suicide since the financial crisis.

Australian Banks - First The Housing Bubble Bursts, Now A Public Inquiry

Australian Banks - First The Housing Bubble Bursts, Now A Public Inquiry

We keep returning to the subject of Australia and the growing signs that its bubble economy is bursting. Earlier this month, we discussed how the world’s longest-running bull market – 55 years – in Australian house prices appears to have come to an end. We followed this up with “Why Australia’s Economy Is A House Of Cards” in which Matt Barrie and Craig Tindale described how Australia’s three decades long economic expansion had mostly been the result of “dumb luck”.

"Here Are The 3 Questions We Hear Most About Bitcoin Right Now"

"Here Are The 3 Questions We Hear Most About Bitcoin Right Now"

As DataTrek's Nick Colas, formerly chief market strategist at Convergex Group, writes overnight, "we’re doing our best to make sure we don’t flood you with bitcoin/crypto information because there are plenty of other issues with broad appeal." However, he finds that hard to do when the topic dominates both financial news headlines and popular imagination... and when it goes from $11,000 to $8,900 in two hours.

To address some of the pent-up confusion, here are the three questions (and answers) Colas it getting most about bitcoin at the moment:
