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SEC Arrives "On Site" At Third Avenue, And Is "Closely" Monitoring The Situation

When Third Avenue's junk bond mutual fund suddenly liquidated and gated investors late last week, many wondered how can the multi-billion asset manager do this without getting a pre-approval - or frankly any comment - from the SEC first as it should, and parallel to that: how can the SEC not have any idea whatsoever about just how woeful the liquidity conditions and redemptions at the funds it supervises are.

We are about to find out.

Did Goldman Just Do It Again?

For anyone who managed to avoid Goldman's "can't miss" recommendation and get short the EURUSD two weeks ago ahead of the ECB's stunning disappointment which sent the pair soaring and crushing virtually every macro hedge fund and FX trader, Goldman's Asset Management group has another recommendation just for you.

In case the fine print is a little too small, here it is in normal font:

High Yield & Bank Loans: We have increased our overweight in high yield.


Junk Contagion Spreads: Investment Grade Bonds Plunge To 2-Year Lows, 10Y Liquidity Implodes, CLOs Next

Just as we warned, the collapse of the high-yield market has spread contagiously to the investment grade market as selling begets selling and redemptions need to be met from what you can sell, not what you need to sell (but can't). LQD (the investment-grade bond ETF) is getting hammered today, breaking to its lowest in almost 2 years.


As Europe closed, HYG managed to stabilize but the selling accelerated in LQD (the investment-grade bond ETF)...


Cracking LQD below recent lows to 2-year lows...


Is Oil Close To A Tradable Bottom?

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

Consider this chart of the gold-oil ratio.



By all accounts, the world is awash with oil: production remains high while demand is softening along with the global economy. This has led many observers to forecast further declines in oil from the current price (in USD) of around $35/barrel.

This Is Why $20 Oil Is A Possibility (Zero Hedge)
