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McDonald's Bun-Supplier Loses 35% Of Staff To Immigration Raids

McDonald's Bun-Supplier Loses 35% Of Staff To Immigration Raids

President Trump has made it widely known that he will not tolerate sanctuary cities like Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York. Since taking office, he has threatened to slash federal funding to cities who do not comply with federal immigrations laws, along with ICE agents circumnavigating local authorities in a nationwide federal operation to arrest undocumented immigrants.

FANG Shareholders Lost Almost 20 Times More Than Bitcoin Investors Today

FANG Shareholders Lost Almost 20 Times More Than Bitcoin Investors Today

While all eyes were told to focus on the cryptocurrency chaos over here... the widely-owned 'no-brainers' FANG stocks suffered total losses that were almost 20 times larger than the 'losers' in Bitcoin...

At the end of the day - amid all the turmoil - Bitcoin ended the day down over $3 billion in market cap...


However, FANG stocks suffered their biggest market cap loss ever - losing almost $60 billion today...



GDP surged above expectations, Matt Lauer fired, Crude carnage, Semis slaughtered, Momo massacred, Nasdaq knackered, Precious metals pummeled, Bond bloodbath, and Bitcoin bounced and trounced... But everyone loves Trannies!

54 Things You Didn't Know About Natural Gas

54 Things You Didn't Know About Natural Gas

Authored by Stuart Parnell via,

Every once in a while, I will realize that I have spent way too much time talking about oil, complaining about pipelines, Permania, free money and the impending “End of Big Oil because of Electric Vehicles”. And it’s on those days that my attention turns to oil and coal’s neglected stepsister who we know as natural gas. And in the spirit of American Thanksgiving, I would like to say that I, for one, am thankful for natural gas, the current turkey of the energy sector.
