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"My Crazy $17,000 Target For Bitcoin Is Looking Less Crazy"

"My Crazy $17,000 Target For Bitcoin Is Looking Less Crazy"

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

The basis of this admittedly crazy forecast was simple: capital flows.

image courtesy of CoinTelegraph

I think we can all agree that bitcoin (BTC) is "interesting." One of the primary reason that bitcoin (and cryptocurrency in general) is interesting is that nobody knows what will happen going forward.

Top Democrats "Abruptly" Pull Out Of White House Meeting After Trump Twitter Attack

Top Democrats "Abruptly" Pull Out Of White House Meeting After Trump Twitter Attack

Following this morning's tweet, in which Trump said that he was meeting with top Democrats Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to keep the government open, but because "they want illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked", he "doesn't see a deal", and which sent the T-Bill market turmoiling as mid-December government shutdown odds surged, moments ago the top two Democratic leaders in Congress pulled out "abruptly" (in AP's words) of the previously scheduled meeting with President Donald Trump.

Doc Copper/Gold ratio about to break key support?

Doc Copper/Gold ratio about to break key support?

Keeping a close eye on the ratio of Copper -vs.- Gold can be helpful in determining where interest rates are headed. If the ratio is heading lower (Copper weaker than Gold), often times interest rates will tend to fall. If the ratio is heading higher (Copper stronger than Gold), often times rates will head higher and can suggest the economy is strong and growing.

Below looks at the Doc Copper/Gold ratio over the past 10-years-

In The Past 50 Years, Americans Have Seldom Been 'More Confident' Than Today

In The Past 50 Years, Americans Have Seldom Been 'More Confident' Than Today

The Conference Board's survey of Americans' Consumer Confidence surged to its highest since November 2000 in November, with both current and furture expectations spiking.

In th epast 50 years, Americans have - apparently - seldom been more confident than they are now...

Does that sound right?

Additionally, confidence in a soaring stock market is back near record highs...
