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Francesco Filia: The World's Twin Asset Bubbles Could Collapse Under Their Own Weight

Francesco Filia: The World's Twin Asset Bubbles Could Collapse Under Their Own Weight

In this week's MacroVoices podcast, Erik Townsend interviews Francesco Filia, a fund manager at Fasanara Capital. After exchanging pleasantries, Townsend begins the interview by asking Filia, an analysts who's widely regarded for his research about how post-crisis monetary policy has impacted distorted markets, about the different metrics he uses to determine whether a certain asset is in a bubble.

Black Friday Sales Buoyed by 'Blessed' Cold Weather

Black Friday Sales Buoyed by 'Blessed' Cold Weather

Content originally published at

The media is working over time to give retailers good press, seeing that they're all but destroyed now. Long stories filled with anecdotal quotes from store managers litter the internet today, exclaiming the virtues being able to touch and feel items on sale, as opposed to merely buying them via Amazon. Who does that anyway, buy items online? Poppycock.

China's Corporate Debt Unexpectedly Rises At Fastest Pace In Four Years, As A New Risk Emerges

China's Corporate Debt Unexpectedly Rises At Fastest Pace In Four Years, As A New Risk Emerges

Have you heard the one about the priest, the rabbi and China's deleveraging? We forget how it goes, but it's pretty damn funny, especially the last part after a Reuters report that following China's repeated vows by Beijing it would reduce the country's unprecedented sovereign, municipal, corporate and household leverage, China's debt is not only rising, but growing at the fastest pace in four years.
