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The Secret Reason Trump Is So Cozy With Saudi Arabia

The Secret Reason Trump Is So Cozy With Saudi Arabia

Authored by Nick Giambruno via,

As a candidate, Donald Trump used uncommonly harsh language to criticize Saudi Arabia—the world’s largest oil exporter.

He called the Saudi regime the world’s biggest funder of terrorism.

He also said the Saudi government uses “our petro dollars—our very own money—to fund the terrorists that seek to destroy our people, while the Saudis rely on us to protect them!”

The Republican Tax Plan Will Crush These Housing Markets

The Republican Tax Plan Will Crush These Housing Markets

For the past few weeks, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have screamed to anyone who would listen that the GOP tax plan is nothing more than a tax break for millionaires and an attack on middle class working families.  But, as the Wall Street Journal points out this morning, America's millionaire, billionaire, private jet owners living in expensive urban areas are set to lose 'bigly' if Trump's $500,000 cap on the mortgage interest deduction survives.

Fourth Turning's Neil Howe: Why Millennials Aren't So Unique

Authored by Marianne Brunet via,

The conventional wisdom is that Millennials are a generation with unique needs and buying habits, but Neil Howe says that they are very similar to the Greatest Generation.

Howe, who coined the term “Millennial,” says that both generations are highly risk-averse, a characteristic brought on by their shared parenting environment.

In a talk last week, Howe explained how we can use generational patterns and historical economic trends to better understand the future of the global economy.

Investors Now Value A $20 Billion Company Based On Its "Energy & Spirituality"

Investors Now Value A $20 Billion Company Based On Its "Energy & Spirituality"

Authored by Simon Black via,

About twelve years ago, at the height of the real estate boom in the United States, banks began issuing what became known as NINJA loans.

You’ve probably heard the term before– NINJA stood for No Income, Job, or Assets.

These were the famed ‘no money down’ loans at low, teaser interest rates given to borrowers with pitiful credit and little hope of being able to make the payments.
