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1MDB Scandal Resurfaces As Singapore Cops Investigate Goldman's Lucrative Bond Issues

1MDB Scandal Resurfaces As Singapore Cops Investigate Goldman's Lucrative Bond Issues

We have another instalment in the investigation into the mind-boggling level of corruption at 1MDB, (1Malaysia Development Berhad), the Malaysian state-owned investment fund. Members of the Singapore police’s economic crime unit have interviewed current and former Goldman employees with respect to the 1MDB bond offerings arranged by the bank.

The Consumer Staples Sector Is No Place To Hide

The Consumer Staples Sector Is No Place To Hide

Authored by Bryce Coward via Knowledge Leaders Capital blog,

The Consumer Staples sector is often viewed as a safe haven; a sector that, because of its inherent cash flow stability, market participants can turn to as a place of refuge when things get shaky. Yet, persistent fundamental decline among North American Staples companies may well be throwing a wrench in these companies’ abilities to weather a broad market downturn.
