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Fed's Kaplan Makes A Stark Admission: Equilibrium Rate May Be As Low As 0.25%

As we have hammered away at for years, "the math doesn't work", and it appears The Fed just admitted it.

In a stunning admission that i) US economic potential is lower than consensus assumes and ii) that the Fed is finally considering the gargantuan US debt load in its interest rate calculations, moments ago the Fed's Kaplan said something very surprising:

Stupidity Well Anchored: Exposing The Absurdity Of Inflation Expectations

Stupidity Well Anchored: Exposing The Absurdity Of Inflation Expectations

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

The amount of sheer nonsense written about inflation expectations is staggering.

Let’s take a look at some recent articles before making a mockery of them with a single picture.

Expectations Problem

On July 17, 2017, Rich Miller writing for Bloomberg proclaimed The Fed Has an Inflation Expectations Problem.
