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Yield Curve Flashes Recession Warning In Collapse To 10 Year Lows

Since The Fed unveiled its cunning plan to unwind the balance sheet ever so gradually and in an ever so well-telegraphed manner, the US Treasury yield curve has collapsed!

Banks do not care as the yield curve has crashed to its flattest since 2007...

In fact, the collapse to just 91bps places the yield curve right at the start of both of the last two recessions...

So, no! You do not need to invert the yield curve to see a recession - in fact we are already there.

Are These Two Companies Proof That The Housing Bubble Is Back?

As most people are undoubtedly aware, the whole point of requiring a down payment on a home is to make sure that homeowners have "skin in the game" and to prevent the kind of rampant speculation that undoubtedly comes when banks and other lending institutions make it easier for American gamblers (a.k.a. "real estate investors") to play around with other people's money.

The Fed Balance Sheet Reduction is a Distraction From the REAL Crisis

The Fed Balance Sheet Reduction is a Distraction From the REAL Crisis

Everyone is making a big deal about the Fed's so-called "balance sheet reduction” which starts next month.

Let’s assess some facts.

First of all, the Fed plans on shrinking its balance sheet by $10-$30 billion per month. The Fed balance sheet is currently $4.5 trillion. So at this pace of unwinding it would take somewhere between 13 and 33 years for the Fed to normalize its balance sheet back to pre-2008 levels.

So the notion that this is significant is off base. It borders on irrelevant.
