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Algeria Officially Launches Helicopter Money Amid Sliding Oil Revenue, Budget Crisis

Algeria Officially Launches Helicopter Money Amid Sliding Oil Revenue, Budget Crisis

One year ago, the imminent arrival of helicopter money among endless discussions of pervasive lowflation was all the rage within high-finance policy circles. Then, everything changed as if on a dime, and in recent months the dominant topic has been global coordinated tightening - and in some cases even revisions to central bank mandates and the lowering of inflation targets - perhaps as a result of central banks' realization that monetizing debt by central banks leads to bad outcomes, not to mention global asset bubbles.

But not everywhere.

In Scramble To Explain Bitcoin, BIS Unveils "A New Taxonomy Of Money" In Three Charts

In Scramble To Explain Bitcoin, BIS Unveils "A New Taxonomy Of Money" In Three Charts

New cryptocurrencies are emerging almost daily, and many interested parties are wondering whether central banks should issue their own versions. But what might central bank cryptocurrencies (CBCCs) look like and would they be useful? This feature provides a taxonomy of money that identifies two types of CBCC - retail and wholesale - and differentiates them from other forms of central bank money such as cash and reserves.
