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Negative Interest Rates Have Come To America

Negative Interest Rates Have Come To America

Authored by Simon Black via,

One of the truly mind-boggling absurdities in modern finance has been the creation of ‘negative interest rates’ around the world.

Negative interest rates are particularly prominent in Europe.

Starting back in 2014, the European Central Bank (ECB) slashed its main interest rate to below zero.

One bizarre effect of this policy is that some banks have passed on these negative interest rates to their retail depositors.

Bizarro World: JGB Yields Slide After BOJ Tapers

Bizarro World: JGB Yields Slide After BOJ Tapers

Something strange happened on July 24: on that day the Bank of Japan announced it would reduce the size of its purchases of five-to-ten year JGBs from Y500 billion to Y470 billion. However, instead of yields and the yen spiking, as some had expected would happen, they slumped. And, just as unexpectedly, 10Y JGB yields continued to slump over the next month, despite another reduction in the amount of JGB in the 5-10 year bucket that the BOJ would purchase on August when it further reduced the amount to Y440 billion.
