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An Insane Bond Market In 4 Charts: "Italian Junk Bonds Yield Less Than US Treasurys"

An Insane Bond Market In 4 Charts: "Italian Junk Bonds Yield Less Than US Treasurys"

In our "WTF Chart of the day" from last Friday, we showed something stunning: European junk bonds yields were the same, and in some cases lower, than comparable-maturity 10Y US Treasurys.

In other words, the distortion unleashed by Mario Draghi's CSPP, or corporate bond buying program unveiled last March, has made European junk bonds "safer" than US government-issued paper.

Is The Global Stock Rally Hitting A Wall?

Is The Global Stock Rally Hitting A Wall?

Via Dana Lyons' Tumblr,

A key global equity index is testing potentially major resistance.

Unlike in recent years when the U.S. market dominated, stocks around the globe have been on fire this year. Just yesterday, we mentioned the latest great looking breakout underway in the South African stock market. Of course, with all of these individual countries exhibiting strength this year, it stands to reason that the broader indices would also be performing well. One such index is The Global Dow Index (GDOW).
