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If Everything's So Awesome, Why Are Investors Surging Into Tech-Stock Hedges?

If Everything's So Awesome, Why Are Investors Surging Into Tech-Stock Hedges?

Tech stocks are up once again - for the 5th day in a row, the longest streak since May - as the business media celebrates FANG's rennaissance (again)...


There's just one thing that is 'odd' about this rally, traders are piling into downside hedges on every uptick in prices...

As Bloomberg notes, options markets suggest a lack of confidence in the rally.

IMF Rings The Alarm On Canada's Economy

IMF Rings The Alarm On Canada's Economy

Shortly after yesterday's rate hike by the Bank of Canada, its first since 2010, we warned that as rates in Canada begin to rise, the local economy which has seen a striking decline in hourly earnings in the past year, which remains greatly reliant on a vibrant construction sector, and where households are the most levered on record, if there is anything that can burst the local housing bubble, it is tighter monetary conditions. And a bubble it is, as the chart below clearly demonstrates...
