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Peter Schiff Warns: "They're Not Afraid Of Collapsing The Bubble On Trump's Watch"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Investors like Peter Schiff have been predicting the collapse of the American economy for a long time, and for good reason. If an economy is built on a foundation of borrowed money, then that economy is living on borrowed time. However, despite how fundamentally unsustainable our financial system is, it has somehow defied all expectations. It has gone on far longer than any of us could have imagined.

Why The Fed Will Fail Once Again

Why The Fed Will Fail Once Again

Authored by James Rickards via The Daily Reckoning,

John Maynard Keynes once wrote, “Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.”

Truer words were never spoken, although if you updated Keynes today, the quote would begin with “practical women” to take account of Fed Chair Janet Yellen. The “defunct economist” in question would be William Phillips, inventor of the Phillips curve, who died in 1975.

California To Add Monsanto's RoundUp To List Of "Cancer-Causing" Herbicides

California To Add Monsanto's RoundUp To List Of "Cancer-Causing" Herbicides

Back in March, we highlighted official evidence divulged in unsealed court documents which seemingly revealed collusion between senior executives at the $60 billion ag-chemicals powerhouse, Monsanto, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to kill "inconvenient" research which suggested that Monsanto's key herbicidal product, RoundUp, might be literally killing people. 

Deutsche Faces $60MM Derivative Loss For Inflation Bet Gone Bad

Just two months after Deutsche Bank was fined $165 million for not only still rigging FX when its currency traders were found to still be participating in banned chat boards, but for violating the Volcker rule, the chronic German recidivist bank, whose endless criminal activity cost the jobs of the entire previous management team... has violated the Volcker rule one again.
