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James Rickards: The Fed Is Going To Cause Recession

James Rickards: The Fed Is Going To Cause Recession

Authored by Valentin Schmid via The Epoch Times,

James Rickards, author of “The Road to Ruin,” has successfully predicted Federal Reserve (Fed) policy in the past. In this interview with The Epoch Times, he explains why the recent tightening could lead to a recession and why he recommends gold as a “crisis hedge.” He also explains why he thinks bitoin is in a bubble.

Hindenburg Omen Reappears As Main Market Supports Get Kicked Away

Hindenburg Omen Reappears As Main Market Supports Get Kicked Away

In the last week, the controversial Hindenburg Omen has started to cluster ominously once again.

Combined with divergent market internals and rates off the zero-bound (and global central bank balance sheets actually shrinking), John Hussman warns of the rising likelihood of an interim market loss on the order of 50-60% over the completion of the current cycle.

As Hussman Funds' John Hussman explains,

CBO Says 22 Million More Uninsured Under Senate Bill, Premiums Initially 20% Higher Then 30% Lower

CBO Says 22 Million More Uninsured Under Senate Bill, Premiums Initially 20% Higher Then 30% Lower

The CBO has scored the Senate version of the healthcare bill, which was passed by the House as H.R.1628, and found a few more modest improvements relative to its scoring of the Healthcare Bill as of May 24 . Here are the apples to apples comparisons with the last proposed version of the bill:

GM Will Raise $3 Billion In Debt To Fund Pensions

GM Will Raise $3 Billion In Debt To Fund Pensions

One of the primary reasons why GM files for bankruptcy back in 2009, much to the chagrin of the Obama administration not to mention the company's creditors, was because its pension and retirement benefits had become untenable (ignoring that the GM bankruptcy inverted the liquidation analysis on its head with bondholders crammed down at the expense of unions and pensioners who are a much bigger portion of the US voting population than a few bondholders on Wall Street).
