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Two Italian Zombie Banks Toppled Friday Night

Authored by Wolf Richter via, 

ECB shuts down Veneto Banca and Banca Popolare di Vicenza.

When banks fail and regulators decide to liquidate them, it happens on Friday evening so that there is a weekend to clean up the mess. And this is what happened in Italy – with two banks!

It’s over for the two banks that have been prominent zombies in the Italian banking crisis: Veneto Banca and Banca Popolare di Vicenza, in northeastern Italy.

Goldman Finds Most Modern Recessions Were Caused By The Fed

Goldman Finds Most Modern Recessions Were Caused By The Fed

One week ago, Deutsche Bank issued a loud warning that as a result of the aging of the current economic expansion, now the third longest in history at 32 quarters, if with the lowest average growth rate of just 2%...

.... coupled with the collapse in the yield curve...

... and the risk that the Fed could fall behind the inflationary curve as a result of near record low unemployment (assuming the Phillips urve still works which it doesn't)...

... the risk is growing that the Fed could hike rates right into a recession that it itself causes:

"They Can And Should Do More" Australian State Slams Banks With $280 Million Tax

"They Can And Should Do More" Australian State Slams Banks With $280 Million Tax

Australian bankers are furious after the country’s smallest state levied a “surprise” tax on the country’s five biggest banks that could siphon off $280 million in profits during its first four years on the books, according to Reuters.  The tax was imposed by South Australia, which is struggling with the country’s highest unemployment rate and thanks the banks should be doing more to pitch in.

Exposing Our Lawless Central Bank

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

The economic arguments against central banks are numerous to say the least. Through the writings of Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard we have a wide variety of critiques that explain the many ways the central banks distort economies, cause booms and busts, punish savers, and chose winners and losers through monetary policy. 

But, even if confronted with these arguments, and one remains supportive of central banks, other non-economic arguments must still be addressed.
