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Good Luck Getting Out Of That Subprime Auto Loan When Used Car Prices Crash

Good Luck Getting Out Of That Subprime Auto Loan When Used Car Prices Crash

We've written frequently in recent months about the coming subprime auto crisis which will very likely be prompted by a wave of off-lease vehicles that will flood the market with used inventory over the coming years.  In fact, Morgan Stanley recently predicted that the surge in used inventory could result in as much as a 50% crash in used car prices over the next couple of years which would, in turn, put further pressure on the new car market which has already resorted to record incentive spending to maintain volumes.

Here are just a couple of our most recent notes on the topic:

Philly's Soda Tax Is Shaping Up To Be An Epic Flop

Philly's Soda Tax Is Shaping Up To Be An Epic Flop

Authored by Ernest Owens via,

It’s been six months since the city’s soda tax (or, more accurately, the sugary beverage tax) was implemented — and it’s off to a rocky start.

The city is currently $20 million short of its projected $46 million goal to close out the 2017 fiscal year, and based on the most available month’s numbers, it doesn’t appear as though they will reach it.

Monetary Madness - Beware The FOMC Jaberwocky

Monetary Madness - Beware The FOMC Jaberwocky

Authored by EconomicPrism's MN Gordon, annotated by Acting-Man's Pater Tenebrarum,

Down the Rabbit Hole

“The hurrier I go, the behinder I get,” is oft attributed to the White Rabbit from Lewis Carroll’s, Alice in Wonderland.  Where this axiom appears within the text of the story is a mystery.  But we suspect the White Rabbit must utter it about the time Alice follows him down the rabbit hole.


Pick a rabbit to follow…
