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Goldman Warns Of Rising "Potential For Rate Shocks"

Goldman Warns Of Rising "Potential For Rate Shocks"

Just in case you are not sick of reading about record low volatility yet (yes, the WSJ had another piece on it this morning "Market Volatility Has Vanished Around the World"), here is Goldman's Ian Wright pointing out that "central bank meetings didn't jolt rate vol" (in case anyone didn't notice), and is the latest to warn that "the potential for rate shocks has increased over longer-term horizons as more pressure builds for rates to rise."

FANG Falters As Best-Performing Tech Fund Manager Warns "When Things Are This Elevated, It's Best To Be Cautious"

FANG Falters As Best-Performing Tech Fund Manager Warns "When Things Are This Elevated, It's Best To Be Cautious"

Joshua K. Spencer has managed his T. Rowe Price Global Technology Fund to become the best-performing mutual fund in the past five years with big bets on Amazon and Tesla is now selling some big winners... and it's sending FANTASY stocks lower...

FANG stocks are rolling over...


And FANTASIA (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Tesla, Alphabet, SalesForce, Intel, and Apple) stocks are falling back from their 50% retracement...

S&P, Dow Hit Record Highs, Nasdaq Lags As VIX Tumbles Near 9 Handle

S&P, Dow Hit Record Highs, Nasdaq Lags As VIX Tumbles Near 9 Handle

Why not...

The Dow is up 1.5% since the Thursday close before the FANG Crash (with both S&P and Dow at new record highs this morning), but Nasdaq contonues to lag...


Hovering at flash-crash ledge levels for now... (with VIX tumbling towards a 9 handle once again)


FANG stocks are up led by AMZN at new record highs...

NFLX continues to lag...

And as AMZN and WFM continue higher so Retailers and REITs are extending losses...
