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China's "Ghost Collateral" Arrives In Canada, "Heralding A Crisis"

China's "Ghost Collateral" Arrives In Canada, "Heralding A Crisis"

Two weeks ago, a key China-linked concern that made headlines back in 2013 and 2014 reemerged after an extensive analysis by Reuters reporter Engen Tham found that China's "ghost collateral" problem, or collateral that was either rehypothecated between two or more loans, or simply did not exist, had not only not gone away but was still as prevalent as ever if not worse.

Derivative Markets Signal Looming End Of The Business Cycle

Derivative Markets Signal Looming End Of The Business Cycle

While the last five weeks have seen $1.3 trillion of rate-hike bets have already been unwound - the most ever; the derivative market is signaling there is more pain to come as expectations for lower rates are everywhere.

Just another $1.9 trillion of rate-hike bets to unwind...


But as Bloomberg's Tanvir Sandhu notes, rates, skews, and inflation cross-currents suggest lower yields to come this summer...
