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US Government Spending Surges 17% Pushing May Deficit 70% Higher; There Is Just One Problem

When the Treasury reported its monthly receipts and outlays data for the month of May at 2pm today, it was more of the same: far more spending than receipts, resulting in a 68.4% surge in the US budget deficit compared to a year ago. Specifically, outlays of $329 billion soared 19% compared to a year ago, offset by a modest 7% increase in receipts, resulting in a $88.4 billion deficit in May, more than the $87 consensus estimate, and well above the $52.5 billion a year earlier. The reason: government spending in areas such as Medicaid and defense rose at a far faster pace than revenue.

You Know It's Bad In Spain's Banking System When...

You Know It's Bad In Spain's Banking System When...

...The regulator bans short sales.

Following our discussion of the collapse of LiberBank's stock and bond prices as investors quickly identify the next domino to fall in Spain's crumbling financial system, Bloomberg reports regulators imposed an emergency ban on short selling the stock.

Spanish securities regulator CNMV, backed by the European Securities and Markets Authority, on Monday banned the sale of borrowed shares for a month.
