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Trump: "Cowardly Comey" Leaks "Far More Prevalent Than Anyone Ever Thought Possible"

After waking up on Sunday, Trump didn't waste much time before taking to his favorite social network, where in a series of tweets, he first took credit for the latest Dow Jones record high, while praising the record "business and economic enthusiasm", slamming "obstructionist" Democrats who "have no message,  not on economics, not on taxes,  not on jobs, not on failing #Obamacare", and lashing out at "cowardly" Comey’s “leaks” will be “far more prevalent than anyone ever thought possible.”

The Value Of "Lunch With Warren Buffett" Plunges 22%

The Value Of "Lunch With Warren Buffett" Plunges 22%

The winning bidder in legendary investor Warren Buffett’s annual charity auction has pledged $2.68 million for the privilege of eating lunch with the billionaire investor, according to Bloomberg.

While the sum is far greater than the $25,000 paid in 2000 - the first year Buffett held the fundraiser - it’s about $800,000 shy of the record sum of $3,456,789 paid in 2012 and 2016.

