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Summer Storm Keeps Building as Second Dip of Great Recession Approaches

Summer Storm Keeps Building as Second Dip of Great Recession Approaches

These updates to my list of “Seven Troubles Assailing the US Economy” are far too important to remain buried at the end of that article since many readers may not return to the article to check for updates. The summer economic crisis I’ve been predicting is building even more rapidly than when I reported a week ago. It’s almost here:


Total household debt now exceeds the peek it hit just before the economic collapse into the Great Recession. While the number of households is also up, wages are correspondingly down, so households have maxed out … again:

"It's Like Buying A Dream" - Mrs Watanabe And South Korean Investors Fuel Bitcoin's Meteoric Rise

"It's Like Buying A Dream" - Mrs Watanabe And South Korean Investors Fuel Bitcoin's Meteoric Rise

Bitcoin’s 150% surge since the beginning of the year has caught the attention of “Mrs. Watanabe,” the metaphorical Japanese housewife investor, and a legion of South Korean retirees who’re hoping to escape rock-bottom interest rates by investing in cryptocurrencies, according to Reuters.  

Mish: "Rent-A-Car Industry Shakeout Coming"

Sbmitted by Mike Shedlock of MishTalk

Dollar Rent-A-Car Truly Sucks; Industry Shakeout Coming; Value of a Customer

It is easy to get good or bad customer service reps at any company. My complaint today is not about agents, but about piss poor corporate policy. We flew into Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Friday, May 19. We had a car rented from Dollar Rent-A-Car at the airport. Our flight was delayed.
