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A Cannabis Company Just Bought A Whole California Town

A Cannabis Company Just Bought A Whole California Town

Authored by Carey Wedler via,

As cannabis grows increasingly acceptable in society and more states legalize it, everything from cannabis churches and resorts to yoga and restaurants are cropping up. And now, there will be an entire cannabis-inspired town.

American Green is a cannabis company based in Arizona, but they just bought the small California town of Nipton, located in San Bernardino County, and plan to convert into a municipality with a cannabis theme.

Kamala Harris Is Being Aggressively Manufactured For 2020 By Wealthy Clinton Donors

Kamala Harris Is Being Aggressively Manufactured For 2020 By Wealthy Clinton Donors

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Kamala Harris’ coming out party as the person chosen to be manufactured as a puppet for the rich and powerful going into 2020 became obvious last month with the publication of an article in The New York Post titled, Dems’ Rising Star Meets With Clinton Inner Circle in Hamptons. Here are a few excerpts:
