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California Farmland To Plunge "20% Or More" As Returns Sink To Lowest Level Since 1992

California Farmland To Plunge "20% Or More" As Returns Sink To Lowest Level Since 1992

Last August we questioned whether California farmland was overvalued by $70 billion (see our aptly named post: "Is California Farmland Overvalued By $70 Billion?").  Our reasoning was fairly simple, as we argued such a draconian outcome was the inevitable result of large institutional buyers scooping up 1,000s of acres of Cali farmland and massively overplanting almonds because, at least at the time, it was the hottest crop earning the highest returns...and that's what NYC hot money likes. 

California Issues $1.25BN In Bonds For 'Bullet Train' Despite Trump Threat To Withhold Federal Funds

California Issues $1.25BN In Bonds For 'Bullet Train' Despite Trump Threat To Withhold Federal Funds

For decades now the California bullet train has been the thorn in the sides of what few conservatives actually live in the liberal bastion of the West.  And with cost estimates starting at $65 billion, and ranging to well over $100 billion, or about $7,800 per California household, it's no wonder that fiscally responsible folks would be a bit reluctant to spend so much money on a service few will ever use and could threaten the solvency of their state as a whole.

California Taxpayers Expected To Nearly Double Public Pension Contributions Over Next 5 Years

California Taxpayers Expected To Nearly Double Public Pension Contributions Over Next 5 Years

The California Policy Center (CPC) has just updated it's annual study on pension contributions required from local California municipalities and, to our complete 'shock', the conclusions are brutal for Cali taxpayers.  Among other things, the study found that California taxpayers will be forced to double their contributions to CalPERS over just the next 5 years alone from $5.3 billion in 2017/2018 tax year to $9.8 billion in 2022/2023.

Is Your "Democracy" Actually a Totalitarian State? Take This Quick Quiz

Is Your "Democracy" Actually a Totalitarian State? Take This Quick Quiz

Authored by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

The USA is already a Totalitarian State with a Ministry of Propaganda that works overtime to generate a flimsy illusion of "democracy."

Is your "democracy" (or republic) actually a Totalitarian State? That is, is it a "democracy" or "republic" in name only? To find out, take this quick quiz.

California Senator Forced To Pull Bill Banning "Fake News" After Realizing It's Idiotic

California is known far and wide for it's wacky regulations.  In fact, just last fall we wrote about SB 1383, a very significant piece of legislation signed into law by Jerry Brown which requires a 40% reduction in methane gas emissions from cow flatulence by 2030 (no, can take a look here: "Here Are Some Of The Ridiculous New State Laws That Will Take Effect January 1st - Happy New Year!")
